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4 Free Ebooks
April 4th, 5th, & 6th

Grab each of these beautiful faith-based eBooks for free by clicking on the book cover to download the Kindle version from Amazon. You do not need a Kindle to be able to read these. Kindle eBooks can be read on any device, including your desktop! All you need is the Kindle Cloud Reader and you'll be able to enjoy these books all year long!

Clay This I Know.jpg

​Witness the wonder of God's world. And see how all of creation confirms what the Bible tells us: Jesus loves me, this I know.


Inspired by real life missionaries, Kai The Missionary Sea Turtle, is a bilingual (English-Spanish) Christian children's book to teach children about missions.

Based on Philippians 4:8, Bax and His Bubbles, helps kids learn which thought bubbles to keep and which to let go!


This book is a fun adventure in prayer that shows how God doesn't always answer prayers the way we think he will.

©2023 by Sonia E. Amin

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